Seattle, Washington
Joy Gaziano, Emily Plowman and Stephanie Watts all gave research presentations at the 21 st Dysphagia Research Society meeting in Seattle Washington. Dr. Plowman and Gaziano were invited speakers on specialist panels were they spoke about the utility of stem cells for treatment of the damaged tongue and esophageal screening by speech-language pathologists respectively. Watts and Plowman gave scientific research presentations on current work being performed in the lab. The lab received numerous honors and awards at this years meeting. Plowman was awarded second place scientific platform presentation for her research on the effects of exercise on bulbar function in ALS. Doctoral student Amanda Domer was awarded the Springer Publishing New Investigator Award. Finally, Emily Plowman was presented with the 2013 American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Award for her work in ALS.
Doctoral Student Amanda Domer (recipient of the 2013 Springer Publishing New Investigator Award) and Dr. Emily Plowman (recipient of the 2013 American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Award and Second Place Scientific Platform Presentation) in Seattle, Washington.
- Amanda Domer: Springer Publishing New Investigator Grant
- Emily Plowman: 2013 American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Award
- Emily Plowman: Second Place Platform Scientific Presentation.
Research Presentations:
- Plowman, E.K. Application of Autologous Stem Cell Therapy to the Tongue. 21st Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. March 2013. (*Invited presentation).
- Watts, S, Domer, A, Gaziano, J, Pitts, T, Estores, D, Richter, J, Donoghue, K, Gooch, C, Vu, T. and Plowman, E. K. The Relationship Between Voluntary Cough Production and Swallow Safety in Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. 21st Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. March 2013.
- Plowman, E.K., Watts, S, Domer, A, Gaziano, J, Donoghue, K, Estores, D, Richter, J, Gooch, C, Vu, T. The Effect of Exercise on Bulbar Function in Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. 21st Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. March 2013. (* Second Place Scientific Presentation)
- Gaziano, J. How Low do you Go? 21st Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. March 2013. (*Invited presentation).