Thickened Liquids Challenge 2017

This past week, the SSC was challenged by the NFOSD Online Swallowing Support Group to participate in the Thickened Liquid Challenge. The rules of this challenge are as follows:

· Drink any choice of your drink thickened to honey consistency
· Videotape yourself accepting this challenge
· If you fail this challenge, you must donate $20 to a geriatrics or palliative care charity of your choice.
· At the end of the challenge, nominate three other people to participate
· Use the hashtag #thickenedliquidchallenge when posting your video online!

This challenge aims to bring awareness to the patient experience with dysphagia. By bringing awareness, clinicians can think critically about the types of intervention for swallowing disorders.

We challenge Michelle Renee Ciucci, Nadine Connor, and Kate Arnold Hutcheson. We look forward to watching these individuals take on the challenge! Cheers to dysphagia awareness!

SSC takes on the THICKENED LIQUID CHALLENGE passed to us by the NFOSD Online Swallowing Support Group! We challenge Michelle Renee Ciucci, Nadine Connor, and Kate Arnold Hutcheson

Posted by Ianessa Humbert on Wednesday, June 14, 2017