ARC and the University of Florida are dedicated to the provision of continuing education of speech-language pathologists and promotion of best clinical practice. Dr. Plowman has developed a series of free online educational courses, webinars and tutorials that were previously part of two popular CEU programs.
Please note that materials were recorded between 2017 – 2019 and current at time of recording.
Harnessing Principles of Plasticity in Dysphagia Management
Educational webinar overviewing key principles of plasticity and how to incorporate into your clinical practice. Part of the former CTDM CEU course, ARC proud to offer as a free resource to clinicians here. Recorded 2017 and current at this time.
Respiratory Strength Training
2 hour educational webinar providing an overview of of respiratory strength training and potential applications to management of individuals with bulbar and upper airway dysfunction. Part of former CTDM CEU course. ARC is proud to offer as a free resource to clinicians here. Lecture recorded 2017 -current at this time.
Clinical Evaluation of the Bulbar & Swallowing Mechanism
4 hour educational webinar on best practices for conducting a clinical evaluation of the bulbar / swallowing mechanism. Part of the CEU Normals 101 continuation course. ARC is proud to offer free to clinicians (recorded 2018 and current at this time).
normal swallowing:
Redefining the Normal Swallow
Overview of normal swallowing, the inherent variability of healthy swallowing, and key barriers to limit historical clinician understanding in this area. Part of the former 2018-2019 Normals 101 CEU course. ARC is proud to offer free to clinicians (recorded 2018 and current at this time).
Clinical Decision Making Tree: Part I Clinical Exam
Overview of the clinical decision making tree for your clinical evaluation. Part of the former CTDM CEU course, ARC is proud to offer free to clinicians (recorded 2017 and current at this time).
Clinical Decision Making Tree: Part II Instrumental Exam
Overview of the clinical decision making tree for your instrumental evaluation. Part of the former CTDM CEU course, ARC is proud to offer free to clinicians (recorded 2017 and current at this time).
Skill versus Strength Training: The Great Debate
Coming Soon!
Normal Swallowing
Normal Swallowing VFSS Library
Coming Soon!