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G’day, Science!

Dr. Plowman presented as a keynote speaker for Speech Pathology Australia on May 29, 2017. This National Conference focuses on presenting the most recent research and updates in the realm of speech-language pathology. Dr. Plowman shared her findings in this conference with her presentations on the harnessing principles of plasticity…

Thickened Liquids Challenge 2017

This past week, the SSC was challenged by the NFOSD Online Swallowing Support Group to participate in the Thickened Liquid Challenge. The rules of this challenge are as follows: · Drink any choice of your drink thickened to honey consistency · Videotape yourself accepting this challenge ·…

Headliner in the ASHA Leader

For the May issue of the ASHA Leader, Dr. Ianessa Humbert wrote an article to address a sensitive topic related to videofluoroscopic swallowing studies and how clinicians on both sides of the issue can move forward together. Here’s a teaser: “It happens every time. In an audience of speech-language pathologists…

Keeping You Posted…

Once again, the Swallowing Systems Core was out in force at the University of Florida’s College of Public Health and Health Professions student Research Day. Undergraduates, master’s level students, and PhD students from our laboratory presented to a range of attendees. Please enjoy this gallery and join us in celebrating…

Diversity Day Award

On March 22, 2017, PhD student Raele Robison presented her poster “Relationship Between Self-Rated Communication Effectiveness and Disease Severity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” at the 1st Annual Diversity Graduate Research Symposium. She was awarded first place in the Biological Sciences division at this event. More details about the event can…

Published and Updated – Resources for PALS

Our Patient Resources page has recently been updated to reflect the publication of a chapter on swallowing in Living with ALS, a resource housed on the ALS Association website. Dr. Emily Plowman and Ph.D. student Lauren Tabor are authors of this chapter which includes sections on…

Well Deserved Rae-cognition

And the award goes to… …but first, a little backstory. On Friday, March 17th, Raele Robison, Ph.D. student and mentee of Dr. Emily Plowman, presented her poster “Respiratory Strength Exercise Program Improves Pulmonary, Cough and Lingual Physiologic Reserve in an Individual with C9orf72 ALS”. This poster was funded by a…

DtH 8: Expiratory Muscle Strength Training in Dysphagia

Expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) is a device driven-therapy based in exercise physiology principles and used in dysphagia management. Although it is a non-swallowing treatment, it is known to have important utility in increasing the effectiveness of cough. Hosts Ianessa Humbert and Alicia Vose discuss the ins and outs of…

Webinar – Education and Advocacy in ALS

In February this year, Dr. Emily Plowman prepared and presented data from her research in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis to the ALS Association. Unlike some venues that are only accessible to a few, this presentation was in the form of a webinar, available for anyone to view…

Moving On Up – Science and Scholarship

We are delighted to celebrate the admission of Alayna Ernster into the Rehabilitation Science PhD program in the College of Public Health and Health Professions here at the University of Florida for Fall 2017. As part of her admission, Alayna was awarded the Dean’s Office Scholarship Award, a highly competitive…