ARC’s Recent Presentations


Five of the Swallowing Systems Core lab members presented posters at the 18th Annual Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) whose mission is to rapidly translate scientific advances into clinical research and new treatments for people with Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and motor neuron disease. This took place on 10/2/19-10/4/19 in Clearwater, Fl and topics are as follows.

  • Cough Strength is Associated with Maximal Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressure Capacity, Inspiratory Cough Flow, and Forced Vital Capacity in ALS. (McElheny, K., Chapin, J., DiBiase, L., Anderson, A., Tabor Gray, L., Wymer, J., Plowman, E.K.)
  • Bulbar Profiles of Dysarthria and Dysphagia in ALS. (DiBiase, L., Allen, J.J., Anderson, A., Chapin, J., Ashley, A., McElheny, K., Eckart, J., Leonard, K., Robison, R., Smith-Sherry, M., Magennis, K., Wymer, J., Plowman, E.K.)
  • Reduced Lingual Strength is Associated with Increased Effort and Inefficient Swallowing in ALS. (Robison, R., Chapin, J., DiBiase, L., Anderson, A., Magennis, K., Wymer, J., Plowman, E.K.)
  • Lung Volume Recruitment Combined with Expiratory Muscle Strength Training to Improve Ventilatory, Cough, Swallow, and Speech Functions in ALS. (Walk, D., Plowman, E.K., Wymer, J., Watson, P., Shine, M., Ferment, V., Magennis, K., Smith, C., Somers, M., Chapin, J., Nasi, N., Kosieracki, K., DiBiase, L., Anderson, A.)